Illustration and patterns exercise using stock photos, Adobe Illustrator and a Brown Pelican photo from the Audubon Society.
- Individual Project
Early Iterations of an Album cover for the band psychedelic rock band Rasshin. Their values lie in connecting with nature and their celtic heritage which is shown by incorporating a celtic knot into the deer's antlers.
-Freelance Project 
Original drawing concept for a mural about non-heterosexual reproduction in nature
- School Assignment, Individual
Sample Flyer for a new bakery's grand opening 
- School assignment, Individual
Typography Illustration based on a quote from "The Haunting of Hill House"
- School Assignment, Individual
Low Polygon Penguin
- Personal Project
Perspective drawing of Calgary Public Library - Downtown location
- School Assignment, Individual
Character Redesign exercise based on existing design.
- School Assignment, Individual

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